Our realised projects

Leopard proof fence
One of the ‘problems’ we keep on working on is the Human Wildlife conflict here in the area. One of ‘our’ leopards tried to get into the cradle of a local farmer to eat his goats. It is sad in a way because both the leopard will be killed and the goat. We always try to find solutions such as collaring animals, to track them, but in this case we have built a leopard safe fence with sensors to keep the leopard out of the cradle.
Furs for life
In rural Zululand leopard skins are sought after by traditional leaders for their status and power tokens within communities. This naturally was putting extreme pressure on the local leopard population which was being hunted out. Timbo Afrika was responsible for sourcing and producing artificial leopard skins that alleviated this poaching pressure. Furs for Life not only gained awareness and conservation momentum, but the research undertaken influenced the laws in South Africa which resulted in a total ban of leopard hunting. The leopard population increased and a documentary was released, To Skin a Cat.

Daycare centre
Stichting Timbo Afrika has co funded the construction of the local daycare centre together with the village development council. It is not yet finished, but soon will be so that children also can enjoy their fresh vegetables and enjoying the new library which we will also take care of.

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